Qigong Midlands
Today's society is experiencing high levels of anxiety and stress due to demands of work and family. This plus poor diets can result in ill health. We work alongside conventional medicine and other healthcare and fitness regimes to improve quality of life in a way that suits a clients existing committments.
How can I assist
Do you have issues with :
Lack of Energy.
Anxiety or Stress.
Painful joints or muscles.
Digestive problems.
High or low blood pressure
Poor co-ordination or flexibility.
Poor Concentration or lack of focus.
or do you wish to obtain and maintain a good level of wellness?
You may benefit from Qigong and /or Energy Healing
Having experienced the benefits of Qigong, Tai Chi and a healthy diet in managing stress and other issues within a stressful corporate lifestyle, I’m here to assist you in developing your own healthcare regime.
Recognising that the only person who can improve your health and well being is yourself, I offer a variety of services to all of my clients, customized to fit their specific needs.Take a look around the site and get in touch to book a class or a consultation meeting.

Qigong for Health
The Ancient Chinese art of Qigong (Chi Kung) focuses on four main themes:
Meditation and visualisation
Self applied massage.
The easiest way to experience Qigong is in a class environment.
However due to social distancing requirements (and the fact that two premises where I used to teach have had to close) I am no longer teaching physical classes at this time.
My online classes are as follows:
Mondays 7pm-8.15pm
Wednesdays 10.30am - 11.45am
Cost £5 per household per class.

Tai Chi
Nobody can fail to be enchanted by the graceful movements of Tai Chi, the co-ordination of mind, body and breath, it is a moving meditation.
I offer tuition in a number of short forms, Lee, Wu-Dan, Yang, allowing the client to progress at their own pace and within their own capability.

Individual Tuition
I am able to offer one to one tuition (two to one if you have a friend or partner) via Zoom. These sessions are tailored to your own needs. Contact me to discuss.
Until current situation improves I am no longer able to offer house visits.
During the Lockdown of November 2020 I am offering one to one sessions in a local park for those who are suffering from Zoom fatigue. Contact me to discuss.

Energetic Healing
I offer the following Energetic Healing Modalities:
SourcePoint Therapy®
Qigong for Healing
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
SourcePoint Therapy® uses a hands-on scanning technique to locate energetic blockages in the body that obstruct Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow. These blockages often manifest as physical symptoms, either pain or illness. Applying the universal blueprint of health to these blockages reorders the individual energy field, supports the physical body, and enhances the effectiveness of other treatments.
Specific points of the body integrate us with that universal energy field. They represent:
Order – connecting us to Source
Balance – grounding the information of the Source into our body
Harmony – allowing that energy to work in the body
Flow – bringing us transformation. Transformation promotes healing. Transformation is healing.
Please visit https://sourcepointtherapy.com/about/ for more detailed information.
Clients remain fully clothed throughout and report a deep sense of relaxation during the treatment.
Qigong for Healing including Acupressure
A complementary approach to Healthcare using techniques from Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Although regular practice of qigong improves your overall health, there are times when there may be a need to be more focused in your practice, to assist in healing a pre-existing condition, or as a complement to current medical treatment.
After a consultation, a series of exercises will be prescribed consisting of a combination of breath, movement and self massage.
What to expect during a Qigong for Healing session.

Qigong for Corporates
Do you have a proportion of your employees now working from home.
Improve team spirit and their health and well -being with weekly qigong classes for small groups or teams.
Having worked within a multinational environment for 29 years, I have seen how pressure of the workplace can affect both physical and mental health. Having been both office and home based, I know how easy it is for employees to feel isolated from the company at times.Â
Please contact me to discuss.
Qigong. Individual tuition online
One to One £20
Two to One £25
(sessions approx 75 mins)
Qigong. Individual tuition in person
One to One £40
Two to One £50 (sessions approx 75 mins)
Qigong classes online:
£5.00 per household per class.
(Class approx 75mins)
Qigong for Healing.
Initial consultation via Zoom £25
(approx 75 mins)
Subsequent sessions £20
(approx 60 mins)
Qigong for Healing.
Initial consultation in person £50 (approx 75 mins)
Subsequent sessions £40 (approx 60 mins)
Diet and Nutrition Advice
included within Qigong for Healing
Fee by agreement following discussion of requirements.
Philip Skelton
A highly committed advocate of the benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi having studied the arts since 2000 and taught both groups and individuals since 2006. I continue my education by training with visiting teachers from China and USA as well as respected teachers within the UK.
Qualifications -Instructor Tai Chi Union of Great Britain, Tutor Tai Chi and Chi Kung Forum for Health, Level Two Coaching British Council Chinese Martial Arts. SourcePoint Therapy® Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner.
S.A.C.Dip (Chinese Medicine Theory, Acupressure, Qigong, Diet and Nutrition Advisor).
Current First Aid Certificate, fully insured.
Contact Me
Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact me today and see what I can do for you.
01543 433082